Hi everybody~
Rehearsal-missing has been somewhat of a problem lately, and it's gotten to the point that I think it needs addressing.
As you know, we do not have a lot of rehearsals for shows at Kaleidoscope - 12 to 18 hours is the norm, and that's probably a QUARTER of what you find anywhere else. Couple this brief rehearsal period with the many other significant struggles we encounter (not getting to work in the venue until the morning of a performance, changing blocking for proscenium versus in-the-round performances, including audience participation in the show, etc.), and it is a wonder our shows consistently come out as wonderful as they do! No doubt, this is due a great deal to the tremendous talents of our performers, and their continued attempts to strive towards excellence in all of our endeavors together.
No matter HOW talented individual performers might be, however, our work can only come so far with such little time together. A great deal of work can be done at home (memorizing lines and blocking, learning your songs and coming up with amazing ideas on how to better your performance), but an even greater amount of work can only be done in a rehearsal environment with other people. You will get ideas from your scene partners, and develop a deeper understanding of your inter-relationships. You will pick up on the subtleties of each other's performance, and begin to fine-tune your own in relation to the others around you. Furthermore (and perhaps most importantly), you will continue to develop your skills as an actor, and your sensitivity to the performances of others.
I have put forward a tremendous effort to schedule rehearsals around people's availability. I recognize that Kaleidoscope's season occurs when many people take vacations, go to the beach, and enjoy a relaxing break from school or work. However, once you have given me your conflicts and I create a rehearsal schedule around your (and others') availability, I expect a commitment to these rehearsals. I understand that things come up, and I have no issue with people missing rehearsals due to illness, deaths of loved ones, etc. These are certainly valid reasons to miss rehearsals. However, it is not valid to miss rehearsal because something else came up AFTER you already committed to us. This includes things like going to the beach and other summertime recreation (I don't care HOW nice a day it is), being tired and just not feeling like it, and (especially) having rehearsals for other shows.
Please don't think for a second that I am discouraging anybody from working with other theatre companies - I of all people would be the LAST person to do that! But it is extremely unprofessional to audition for a second show when you've already committed to Kaleidoscope, and then expect us to work around your newly limited availability! If you are in "Show A" and you audition for "Show B", then the professional approach is to tell Show B that you have certain conflicts due to Show A. I am happy to work around another show's schedule when you are upfront with me. However, once you have made a commitment to Kaleidoscope, I expect you to be just as upfront with other directors/theatre companies. This also applies to any added soccer practices, clarinet lessons, or rehearsals at your dance studio - if your teacher/coach tries to add an extra rehearsal when you are supposed to be here, then professional protocol dictates that you simply say, "I'm sorry, I have another obligation that night," and propose another date/time that is not in conflict.
You've probably heard me (or David, or Nicki) say that each rehearsal you have with Kaleidoscope is like an audition for the NEXT show that we're doing. We always want to bring back people who are hard workers, or who are easy to get along with, or who help out, or are fun to have around, etc. Well, the same goes for reliability. Be assured that the next time we are casting a role that you're right for, we will pick somebody whose reliability we can count on. Whether or not you're that person is up to you. :)
I'm very proud of the work that we've been getting done in rehearsals lately, and I do want to thank those of you who continue do your absolute best and are always here on time, rip-roarin' and ready to go!
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