(The rest of this message is just for the cast of SNOW WHITE.)
Hello, hello, hello!
Thank you everyone, for a great first rehearsal last night! At first, it was very daunting that out of a cast of 11 people, 9 are brand new to the show, and the other 2 are in different roles than last time -- that leaves a lot of work to do in only 8 rehearsals! But after getting together last night, I am confident that this cast will be absolutely wonderful.
Below is our specific rehearsal breakdown for the rest of the rehearsal process. After we work a scene, please be off-book (lines, lyrics, blocking, and choreography) for the next rehearsal, even if it is not on that day's agenda. Being off-book at the next rehearsal will allow us to begin working in-character instead of off-the-page.
The rehearsal schedule is:
Monday 6/11, 5-7
Agenda: Meet-and-Greet, Teach sign, Dwarves' entrance dance
Called: Dwarves and Snow (5-7); Huntsman, Prince and Queen (5-5:30)
Monday 6/18, 5-7
Agenda: Review sign and entrance dance, teach Laugh and all Dwarf/Snow scenes
Called: Dwarves and Snow
Wednesday 6/20, 5-7
Agenda: Block all Snow/Queen scenes (or as much as possible!)
Called: Snow, Queen
Monday 6/25, 5-7
Please come prepared to take pictures!
(Tentative schedule - this day's breakdown may change)
Agenda: Block Dwarf/Queen scene, Dwarf/Prince scene, and any remaining Dwarf stuff. Run through all of Dwarves' scenes, assign dwarf costumes.
Called: Dwarves, Snow, Queen, and Prince
Wednesday 6/27, 5-7
Agenda: Block Snow/Prince stuff (5-6), solo Snow stuff (6-6:30), and Snow/Huntsman stuff (6:30-7)
Called: Snow (5-7), Prince (5-6), and Huntsman (6:30-7)
Monday 7/2, 5-7
Agenda: Stumble-through of the show (filling in any gaps), assign Dwarves their costumes
Called: All
Friday 7/6, 5-7
Agenda: Run-through the show (in costume)
Called: All (Alyce and Nikki unavailable)
Monday 7/9, 7-9
Agenda: Dress Rehearsal!
Called: All
And, for your first homework assignment...
Dwarves: on Monday 6/18, come in prepared to tell us a story about a time that YOU felt the way your DWARF is characterized.
DOC, tell us about a time that you felt really, really SMART.
GRUMPY, tell us about a time that you felt GRUMPY.
BASHFUL, tell us about a time that you were extremely SHY or SELF-CONSCIOUS.
SNEEZY, tell us about a time that you either couldn't stop SNEEZING, or were extremely SICK.
HAPPY, tell us about a time that you felt simply OVERJOYED WITH HAPPINESS!
SLEEPY, tell us about a time that you were SO TIRED, but just couldn't go to bed for some reason.
And DOPEY, tell us about a time that you felt really DUMB.
Snow White, Queen, Huntsman, and Prince: for Monday 6/25, come up with 10-15 words that you would use to describe your character. Be prepared to explain why you view your character as such... and feel free to look for evidence in the script (things the character says/does, or things that other characters say about them, etc.). Also, determine what your character's Life Goal is - what is his/her ultimate objective? How would he/she see him/herself in 5 years? 10 years? 25 years? Again, evidence from the script is a plus!
Again, great job last night everybody. I hope that you're all as excited about mounting this show as I am! As always, if you have any questions or would like to talk to me about anything, please feel free to call or e-mail :)
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