Hi everybody!
Our first rehearsal for ALICE is just one week away - hooray! I wanted a chance to talk about a few things before we all get together.
Be prepared for a rehearsal process that's a little bit different than what you might be used to. I will be giving you homework assignments (little simple things... for example, researching where the phrase "mad as a hatter" comes from... nothing gargantuan and involved like a research paper on the life of Lewis Caroll!) for you to present to the rest of us at the next rehearsal. I will be looking for input from you to help to create this show together! We might play games to help reach beyond our boundaries, and further develop our characters. We will be exploring a lot of ways to think "outside the box" in order to help create a world in which the "box" itself doesn't even exist.
Alice is a little girl who has been told her entire life what is "proper". She has been denied the freedom and bliss of childhood for so long, that her subconscious eventually embarks upon a revolution, and throws her into a world where literally anything can happen. Although this revolution takes place in the form of a dream, Alice doesn't realize this - to her, it is reality. We want the audience to join her on this journey to a sillier, wackier, zanier reality, and to experience the cornucopia of emotions that arrive with it. It will be scary at times, and thrilling at times, and hopefully will be not only funny, but also very fun! I hope that you are all as excited as I am to discover the places that the mind can take us when unfettered by restrictions, and free to fall into its own Wonderland!
At our first rehearsal, I plan on jumping right into blocking the opening number of the show. We don't have a lot of time to get the show mounted, since I only have our leading lady for the first three rehearsals! After we work a scene, please be off-book (this means lines, lyrics, blocking, and choreography!) for the next rehearsal, even if we are not planning on running it. (For example, if we have extra time on 6/26 we might run the Tea Party scene.) Being off-book at the next rehearsal will allow us to begin working in-character instead of off-the-page.
A tentative rehearsal schedule is as follows:
Thursday, June 14, 5-7
Meet/greet, discussion about the show/charaters, blocking of "Alice"
Unavailable: Connie
Called: All but Connie
Tuesday, June 19, 4-7
Block all Sister scenes (4-5), continue "Alice" and begin Croquet scene (5-7)
Called: Jessica (4-5), Ariana (4-7), and everyone else except Mia (5-7)
Thursday, June 21, 4-7
Block all Cheshire Cat scenes (4-5), block Tea Party and Caterpillar scenes (5-7)
Unavailable: Connie
Called: Katherine (4-5), Ariana (4-7), Mark (5-7), Graham (5-7), Mia (5-7)
Tuesday, June 26, 5-7
Block end of "Croquet" through end of show
Unavailable: Ariana, Mark
Called: All except Ariana and Mark
Thursday, June 28, 5-7
Block Cards' scene, run what we've blocked thus far
Unavailable: Ariana, Connie
Called: All except Ariana and Connie
Thursday, July 5, 5-7
Block Duchess/Cook scene, work Croquet scene
Unavailable: Katherine, Mia
Called: Ariana, Connie, Jessica, Graham, Cards
Tuesday, July 10, 5-7
Plug-ins, stumble-through of show
Unavailable: Katherine, Jessica
Called: All except Katherine and Jessica
Thursday, July 12, 5-7
Run-through of show w/ costumes
Called: All
Monday, July 16, 7-9 (note: this is the only rehearsal that is 7-9)
Dress Rehearsal - run-through of show w/ costumes
Called: All
Performances Tuesday, July 17 and Wednesday, July 18.
Please respond to this post with the following info:
1) Your name and character
2) Whether or not you will need a script at the first rehearsal
3) Whether or not you will need a recording of the music (if so, you will need to drop off a tape at some point)
4) Something you find both exciting and scary
5) Any additional rehearsal conflicts you might have that I do not already know about
(Note: to reply to this post, click below on "comments", type your reply in the text box, retype the word verification, select either "other" or "anonymous" as your identity, and click "publish your comment")
Still awaiting responses from:
1) Your name and character: Devin Carreiro/ A Card
2) Whether or not you will need a script at the first rehearsal: Yes Please!
3) Whether or not you will need a recording of the music (if so, you will need to drop off a tape at some point): Yes I Will.
4) Something you find both exciting and scary: I think most things that are worth doing is exciting and scary. RIght now, going to high school is freaking me out a little.
5) Any additional rehearsal conflicts you might have that I do not already know about: None that I KNow of
1) Ariana - "Alice"
2) Yes - please give it to my dad on Sat. Dial M show to give to me.
3) Yes please, could you give it to my dad on Saturday also and I will have him bring a blank CD in exchange.
4) I'm excited about having the opportunity to play the role of Alice because everytime I played as the Doormouse, I've dreamed of someday playing "Alice". I'm scared about not being as good as you want me to be.
5) No other conflicts other than june 25th - 30th that you already know about.
Can't wait to start rehearsing. :)
1) Cassandra- A Card
2) Yes Please. And I just read Arianas comment so could you do the same for me?
3) No Thank you.
4) Exciting and scary? Thats an easy one. Going to Australia with 26 other teens who I just met and without my family for 20 days!
5) Unfortunatly yes. My dance recital is the 15th so my last class is the 14th from 530-830. However I will see if i could possibly leave at 6. Im soo sorry. But dance will be over after that so I will have no conflicts!
1) Your name and character: Michael Iemma / A Card (the 2 of hearts)
2) Whether or not you will need a script at the first rehearsal: Yes.
3) Whether or not you will need a recording of the music (if so, you will need to drop off a tape at some point) Yes.
4) Something you find both exciting and scary: Hhmm.. I guess school right now because next year I will be a senior and although graduating is an exciting thought it is also a very scary one.
5) Any additional rehearsal conflicts you might have that I do not already know about: None that I know of at the moment.
1) Mia Speciale (mouse)
2) A script would be great!
3) She would ike music.
4) Exciting: Getting the new Dalmation Webkinz
Going on the Tower of Terror
Scary: Bugs!!!
Going to bed with no one upstairs!.
Being left alone!!
Goosebumps Books!
5) Possibily June 26 or 28.
1) Your name and character: Graham Duff - White Rabbit.
2) Whether or not you will need a script at the first rehearsal: That would be great. I'll be there this morning for dance if you happen to have a copy to spare at the moment...
3) Whether or not you will need a recording of the music (if so, you will need to drop off a tape at some point): I'll bring a tape today if I can find one lying around the house somewhere.
4) Something you find both exciting and scary: Driving. My sister just got her license, and since then I've had about 3 anxiety dreams about her smashing the car as she's driving me to school. It's also quite exciting, however, in the sense that you step up to a whole new level of independence. At least I have another year before I have to start worrying about that.
5) Any additional rehearsal conflicts you might have that I do not already know about: I don't believe so; it's just the week of July 8th where I can't make all the Cindys and Alices.
1) Your name and character: Jessica Sepe (Sister and Cook)
2) Whether or not you will need a script at the first rehearsal: No thanks, it's under control!
3) Whether or not you will need a recording of the music (if so, you will need to drop off a tape at some point): Yes Please, I'll bring one ASAP.
4) Something you find both exciting and scary: I'm getting my lisence at the end of the summer and i find it exciting that i dont have to depend on people but scary that i need to find enough money to pay for gas. haha :)
5) Any additional rehearsal conflicts you might have that I do not already know about: None that i know of at the moment. I have applied for jobs, but i am prettty sure that i can work my schedule around rehearsals.
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