6:00-9:00pm - A Killer Cabaret rehearsal (singers/dancers called 6-9, add Sandy for scene work 8-9)
Finish HP2!
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal (run-through of show w/ full cast - Christa unavailable)
6:30pm - Costume fitting for Lisa H. w/ Marcia
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal (Fairy Godmother/Cindy scenes from 7-8, Cindy/Stepmom/Disgustia/Putricia/Count/Mice scenes 8-9)
7:00-9:00pm - A Killer Cabaret rehearsal (full cast)
Happy Fourth of July!
3:00-6:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal with Emily and Graham (scenes and choreo)
5:00-7:00pm - Alice in Wonderland rehearsal (block Duchess/Cook scene with Ariana, Connie, and Jess; work Ariana into Croquet and Sister scenes in remaining time)
7:00-9:00pm - The Frog Prince rehearsal (full cast)
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal (run-though in costume w/ full cast - Alyce and Nikki unavailable)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal ("Cinderella, Cinderella" dance rehearsal for Meredyth, Jamie, Lisa H., and Emily w/ Kim 7-8, continue working scenes from Monday with Steps/Count 8-9)
12:00-4:00pm - Snow White (Jamie) makes an appearance at the Homestead Gardens; call time TBA
6:00-9:00pm - A Killer Cabaret rehearsal (full cast except Sandy)
Welcome! This 'Blog is for Kaleidoscope Theatre friends and family. Here we will post current news items, upcoming rehearsals, call times, directions, show dates, and other information pertinent to the Kaleidoscope Theatre family!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Rehearsal absences...
Hi everybody~
Rehearsal-missing has been somewhat of a problem lately, and it's gotten to the point that I think it needs addressing.
As you know, we do not have a lot of rehearsals for shows at Kaleidoscope - 12 to 18 hours is the norm, and that's probably a QUARTER of what you find anywhere else. Couple this brief rehearsal period with the many other significant struggles we encounter (not getting to work in the venue until the morning of a performance, changing blocking for proscenium versus in-the-round performances, including audience participation in the show, etc.), and it is a wonder our shows consistently come out as wonderful as they do! No doubt, this is due a great deal to the tremendous talents of our performers, and their continued attempts to strive towards excellence in all of our endeavors together.
No matter HOW talented individual performers might be, however, our work can only come so far with such little time together. A great deal of work can be done at home (memorizing lines and blocking, learning your songs and coming up with amazing ideas on how to better your performance), but an even greater amount of work can only be done in a rehearsal environment with other people. You will get ideas from your scene partners, and develop a deeper understanding of your inter-relationships. You will pick up on the subtleties of each other's performance, and begin to fine-tune your own in relation to the others around you. Furthermore (and perhaps most importantly), you will continue to develop your skills as an actor, and your sensitivity to the performances of others.
I have put forward a tremendous effort to schedule rehearsals around people's availability. I recognize that Kaleidoscope's season occurs when many people take vacations, go to the beach, and enjoy a relaxing break from school or work. However, once you have given me your conflicts and I create a rehearsal schedule around your (and others') availability, I expect a commitment to these rehearsals. I understand that things come up, and I have no issue with people missing rehearsals due to illness, deaths of loved ones, etc. These are certainly valid reasons to miss rehearsals. However, it is not valid to miss rehearsal because something else came up AFTER you already committed to us. This includes things like going to the beach and other summertime recreation (I don't care HOW nice a day it is), being tired and just not feeling like it, and (especially) having rehearsals for other shows.
Please don't think for a second that I am discouraging anybody from working with other theatre companies - I of all people would be the LAST person to do that! But it is extremely unprofessional to audition for a second show when you've already committed to Kaleidoscope, and then expect us to work around your newly limited availability! If you are in "Show A" and you audition for "Show B", then the professional approach is to tell Show B that you have certain conflicts due to Show A. I am happy to work around another show's schedule when you are upfront with me. However, once you have made a commitment to Kaleidoscope, I expect you to be just as upfront with other directors/theatre companies. This also applies to any added soccer practices, clarinet lessons, or rehearsals at your dance studio - if your teacher/coach tries to add an extra rehearsal when you are supposed to be here, then professional protocol dictates that you simply say, "I'm sorry, I have another obligation that night," and propose another date/time that is not in conflict.
You've probably heard me (or David, or Nicki) say that each rehearsal you have with Kaleidoscope is like an audition for the NEXT show that we're doing. We always want to bring back people who are hard workers, or who are easy to get along with, or who help out, or are fun to have around, etc. Well, the same goes for reliability. Be assured that the next time we are casting a role that you're right for, we will pick somebody whose reliability we can count on. Whether or not you're that person is up to you. :)
I'm very proud of the work that we've been getting done in rehearsals lately, and I do want to thank those of you who continue do your absolute best and are always here on time, rip-roarin' and ready to go!
Rehearsal-missing has been somewhat of a problem lately, and it's gotten to the point that I think it needs addressing.
As you know, we do not have a lot of rehearsals for shows at Kaleidoscope - 12 to 18 hours is the norm, and that's probably a QUARTER of what you find anywhere else. Couple this brief rehearsal period with the many other significant struggles we encounter (not getting to work in the venue until the morning of a performance, changing blocking for proscenium versus in-the-round performances, including audience participation in the show, etc.), and it is a wonder our shows consistently come out as wonderful as they do! No doubt, this is due a great deal to the tremendous talents of our performers, and their continued attempts to strive towards excellence in all of our endeavors together.
No matter HOW talented individual performers might be, however, our work can only come so far with such little time together. A great deal of work can be done at home (memorizing lines and blocking, learning your songs and coming up with amazing ideas on how to better your performance), but an even greater amount of work can only be done in a rehearsal environment with other people. You will get ideas from your scene partners, and develop a deeper understanding of your inter-relationships. You will pick up on the subtleties of each other's performance, and begin to fine-tune your own in relation to the others around you. Furthermore (and perhaps most importantly), you will continue to develop your skills as an actor, and your sensitivity to the performances of others.
I have put forward a tremendous effort to schedule rehearsals around people's availability. I recognize that Kaleidoscope's season occurs when many people take vacations, go to the beach, and enjoy a relaxing break from school or work. However, once you have given me your conflicts and I create a rehearsal schedule around your (and others') availability, I expect a commitment to these rehearsals. I understand that things come up, and I have no issue with people missing rehearsals due to illness, deaths of loved ones, etc. These are certainly valid reasons to miss rehearsals. However, it is not valid to miss rehearsal because something else came up AFTER you already committed to us. This includes things like going to the beach and other summertime recreation (I don't care HOW nice a day it is), being tired and just not feeling like it, and (especially) having rehearsals for other shows.
Please don't think for a second that I am discouraging anybody from working with other theatre companies - I of all people would be the LAST person to do that! But it is extremely unprofessional to audition for a second show when you've already committed to Kaleidoscope, and then expect us to work around your newly limited availability! If you are in "Show A" and you audition for "Show B", then the professional approach is to tell Show B that you have certain conflicts due to Show A. I am happy to work around another show's schedule when you are upfront with me. However, once you have made a commitment to Kaleidoscope, I expect you to be just as upfront with other directors/theatre companies. This also applies to any added soccer practices, clarinet lessons, or rehearsals at your dance studio - if your teacher/coach tries to add an extra rehearsal when you are supposed to be here, then professional protocol dictates that you simply say, "I'm sorry, I have another obligation that night," and propose another date/time that is not in conflict.
You've probably heard me (or David, or Nicki) say that each rehearsal you have with Kaleidoscope is like an audition for the NEXT show that we're doing. We always want to bring back people who are hard workers, or who are easy to get along with, or who help out, or are fun to have around, etc. Well, the same goes for reliability. Be assured that the next time we are casting a role that you're right for, we will pick somebody whose reliability we can count on. Whether or not you're that person is up to you. :)
I'm very proud of the work that we've been getting done in rehearsals lately, and I do want to thank those of you who continue do your absolute best and are always here on time, rip-roarin' and ready to go!
Greetings, Cards...
To my Two, Five, and Seven of Hearts~
I just wanted to let the three of you know that you're doing a really great job in rehearsals. You're all paying attention beautifully, taking direction superbly, and bringing so much to the table - you have exceeded my expectations for rehearsal after rehearsal (and my expectations were not low to begin with!).
Thanks for all of the hard work that you're doing, and keep up the great work!
I just wanted to let the three of you know that you're doing a really great job in rehearsals. You're all paying attention beautifully, taking direction superbly, and bringing so much to the table - you have exceeded my expectations for rehearsal after rehearsal (and my expectations were not low to begin with!).
Thanks for all of the hard work that you're doing, and keep up the great work!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
A few CINDERELLA, TOO! notes...

Here is the French scene breakdown for "Cinderella, Too!", and the rest of the rehearsal schedule. For those of you who are unaware of the difference between a "French" scene and a regular scene, French scenes are differentiated by the entrance/exit of a major character, while regular scenes are differentiated by the location/set of the scene.
I.i.; p. 1-4 (FG "Oh, hello!" through FG "To find Cinderella"); Fairy Godmother
I.ii.; p. 5-6 (FG "Oh, dear, it didn't work" through second CIN "We were dancing on air"); Fairy Godmother and Cinderella
I.iii.; p. 6 (CIN "Could it be my destiny is here" through scene change); Cinderella and Prince
I.iv.; p. 7-10 (SM "Girls! Girls?" through CIN "we must leave now."); Stepmother, Disgustia, Putricia, Cinderella, and Mice
I.v.; p. 10-14 (CT "Escusa me" through scene change); Count, Stepmother, Disgustia, and Putricia; p. 15-16 (MIN "We're going to have us" through KING "Now, Minister!!"); Minister, King, Prince, and Cinderella
I.vii.; p. 16-17 (CIN "Thank you." through last C&P "In love eternally"); Cinderella and Prince
I.viii.; p. 17-18 (PR "Father, i'm so glad" through end of Act I); Prince, Cinderella, King, and Minister
II.i.; p. 18-20 (Start of Act II through KING "Prince, Count, come with me"); Prince, Cinderella, King, Minister, Stepmother, Disgustia, and Putricia
II.ii.; p. 20-21 (CIN "Stepmother, just what is going on here?" through ST "Count de Tooten..."); Stepmother and Cinderella (and possibly Disgustia and Minister?)
II.iii.; p. 21 (PR "Cinderella... I have some terrible news" through scene change); Prince and Cinderella
II.iv.; p. 21-22 (CT "¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda!" through PUT "whatever you say, Mama"); Count, Stepmother, and Putricia
II.v.; p. 22-24 (PUT "Now listen, Count" through CT "Now please my love, untie me"); Putricia and Count; p. 24-25 (ST "Putricia!" through ST "still in the attic?"); Stepmother, Count, and Putricia
II.vii; p. 25 (CIN "Oh thank goodness" through ST "Ta-tah for now!"); Stepmother and Cinderella
II.viii.; p. 25-28 (CIN "Oh Wendy, Willy" through scene change); Cinderella, Fairy Godmother, and Mice
II.ix.; p. 28-31 (PR "Father, there must be a way out of all this" through end of "Good To Be King"); Prince, King, and Minister
II.x.; p. 31-32 (ST "Help! Help!" through KING "Minister, prepare the wedding ceremony!"); Stepmother, King, Minister, and Prince
II.xi.; p. 32-35 (wedding processional through bows); All
Tuesday, July 2nd
7:00-8:00pm: Scenes I.i., I.ii., and II.viii.; Fairy Godmother and Cinderella
8:00-9:00pm: Scenes I.v., II.ii., II.vii.; Cinderella, Stepmother, Disgustia, Putricia, Count, and Mice
Friday, July 6th
7:00-8:00pm: Dance rehearsal with Kim ("Cinderella, Cinderella"); Cinderella, Stepmother, Disgustia, and Putricia
8:00-9:00pm: Scenes II.iv., II.v.,; Count, Stepmother, Putricia
Monday, July 9th
5:00-7:00pm: Scenes II.i., II.x., II.xi.; All (mice 6-7)
Tuesday, July 10th
7:00-9:00pm: Scenes, I.vii., II.ix.; King, Minister, Prince (if available)
7:00-9:00pm: Rework "Cinderella, Cinderella" dance break from Cinderella; Disgustia and Putricia
Tuesday, July 17th
7:00-7:30pm: Scenes I.iv., I.vii.; Cinderella and Mice
7:30-9:00pm: Stumble through of Cinderella, Too! (filling in any holes if necessary); full cast
Thursday, July 19th
7:00-9:00pm: Run-through of Cinderella (with new costumes!); full cast
Friday, July 20th
7:00-9:00pm: Cinderella, Too! run; full cast
Monday, July 23rd
7:00-9:00pm: Cinderella Dress rehearsal; full cast
Thursday, July 26th
7:00-9:00pm: Cinderella, Too! run (with new costumes!); full cast
Monday, July 30th
7:00-9:00pm: Cinderella, Too! Dress rehearsal; full cast
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
This weekend at Kaleidoscope...

To kick off our summer season, Rapunzel and several of her fairytale friends will be appearing this coming Saturday at Homestead Gardens (located at 200 Industrial Dr. North Smithfield, RI). The characters will be on hand from 12:00pm to 4:00pm to meet their fans, sign autographs, pose for pictures, and even make balloon animals! Homestead Gardens is also home to a beautiful lake, a cozy gift shop, and a welcoming ice cream shop! Join Kaleidoscope for a day of summertime fun and explore the wondrous grounds at Homestead! For more information about Homestead Gardens, please call Angela at (401) 309-1882!
Friday, June 22, 2007
This week's schedule! June 25th-July 1st
2:00pm - Meeting with Christine Redihan
4:00pm - Meeting with Savana Leveille
4:30-5:00pm - Snow White rehearsal (just Hunstman)
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal (full cast - homework due, photo shoot, block Dwarf/Prince and Dwarf/Queen scenes, run Act II)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal; dance rehearsal for Emily and Graham w/ Kim
1:00pm - Cinderella's Holiday Ball recording session at Viscount (w/ Emily)
5:00-7:00pm - Alice in Wonderland rehearsal (block "Croquet" scene w/ Connie, Graham, and Cards from 5-6:30, block to end of show w/ full cast 6:30-7 - Ariana/Jess unavailable)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal; blocking with Chris, Alex, Graham, and Emily
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal w/ Act I run-through (Jamie and Daniel 5-7, Ryan 5:45-7, Alyce 6-7)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal - "Hacienda" and "Tango" with Kim and costume fitting with Marcia (Jamie 7-9, Lisa H. 7:30-9); blocking review with Nicki (Chris 7-9)
5:00-7:00pm - Alice in Wonderland rehearsal (block Cards scene w/ all Cards 5-6, run other scenes w/ full cast 6-7 - Connie/Ariana unavailable)
7:00-9:00pm - Frog Prince rehearsal (full cast except Bobby)
7:00-9:00pm - Killer Cabaret rehearsal (no Jamie or Tommy)
11:00am - 1:00pm - Dance rehearsal w/ Gremily and Ginny; press photo w/ Graham and Newell
12:00-4:00pm - Character appearances at Homestead Gardens (Meredyth as Rapunzel, Mikey as 2 of Hearts, and David as Mad Hatter); calltime 11:15am at Kscope, or 11:45 at the Gardens.
6:00-9:00pm - Killer Cabaret rehearsal (song/dance 6-8, add Agrava for scene work 8-9)
2:00pm - Meeting with Christine Redihan
4:00pm - Meeting with Savana Leveille
4:30-5:00pm - Snow White rehearsal (just Hunstman)
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal (full cast - homework due, photo shoot, block Dwarf/Prince and Dwarf/Queen scenes, run Act II)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal; dance rehearsal for Emily and Graham w/ Kim
1:00pm - Cinderella's Holiday Ball recording session at Viscount (w/ Emily)
5:00-7:00pm - Alice in Wonderland rehearsal (block "Croquet" scene w/ Connie, Graham, and Cards from 5-6:30, block to end of show w/ full cast 6:30-7 - Ariana/Jess unavailable)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal; blocking with Chris, Alex, Graham, and Emily
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal w/ Act I run-through (Jamie and Daniel 5-7, Ryan 5:45-7, Alyce 6-7)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal - "Hacienda" and "Tango" with Kim and costume fitting with Marcia (Jamie 7-9, Lisa H. 7:30-9); blocking review with Nicki (Chris 7-9)
5:00-7:00pm - Alice in Wonderland rehearsal (block Cards scene w/ all Cards 5-6, run other scenes w/ full cast 6-7 - Connie/Ariana unavailable)
7:00-9:00pm - Frog Prince rehearsal (full cast except Bobby)
7:00-9:00pm - Killer Cabaret rehearsal (no Jamie or Tommy)
11:00am - 1:00pm - Dance rehearsal w/ Gremily and Ginny; press photo w/ Graham and Newell
12:00-4:00pm - Character appearances at Homestead Gardens (Meredyth as Rapunzel, Mikey as 2 of Hearts, and David as Mad Hatter); calltime 11:15am at Kscope, or 11:45 at the Gardens.
6:00-9:00pm - Killer Cabaret rehearsal (song/dance 6-8, add Agrava for scene work 8-9)
Better late than never?

If you see any of the following Kaleidoscopians this month, be sure to wish them a happy (perhaps belated) birthday!
4th - Alyssa Surrette
4th - Newell Roberts
6th - Matthew Velino
22nd - Kristen Cornwall
23rd - Ali Angelone
25th - Todd Proto
26th - E. Ryan Walsh
26th - Alex Valentine
26th - Betty Nolan
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Character Appearances!
This summer, we'd like to try something new. In order to promote our series at RIC (and to encourage people to go to the Gardens), we plan to have some of the characters from each show appear at Homestead Gardens on the previous Saturday from 12-4pm. Characters will meet and greet fans, sign autographs and pose for photos.
Here is the tentative schedule of characters...if your character is listed and you are unavailable, please let us know as soon as possible!
Saturday 6/30 – Rapunzel, Mad Hatter, Mama Piggy, Cards
Saturday 7/7 – Snow White
Saturday 7/14 – Alice and the Mad Hatter
Saturday 7/21 - Fairy Godmother
Saturday 7/28 – Cinderella and Prince Charming
Saturday 8/4 – Prince Noble and Prince Henry
Saturday 8/11 – The Three Pigs
Saturday 8/18 – Little Red and her Mother
Saturday 8/25 – Goldilocks and Baby Bear
Here is the tentative schedule of characters...if your character is listed and you are unavailable, please let us know as soon as possible!
Saturday 6/30 – Rapunzel, Mad Hatter, Mama Piggy, Cards
Saturday 7/7 – Snow White
Saturday 7/14 – Alice and the Mad Hatter
Saturday 7/21 - Fairy Godmother
Saturday 7/28 – Cinderella and Prince Charming
Saturday 8/4 – Prince Noble and Prince Henry
Saturday 8/11 – The Three Pigs
Saturday 8/18 – Little Red and her Mother
Saturday 8/25 – Goldilocks and Baby Bear
Come to the Cabaret!

Kaleidoscope will be performing “A Killer Cabaret” on Friday the 13th of July at Homestead Gardens!
What good is sitting alone in your room? Life is a cabaret, and so is death in this entertaining song- and dance-filled night of merriment where audience members become stars, and danger lurks around every table. The Cabaret's producer, Agrava Krispie (Sandy Cerel), famous author of such mystery novels as Ten Little Indecisions and Death on Denial, presents her first Cabaret. Her all-star cast includes Lucky Charms (John Britto) as the Master of Ceremonies, Agrava's niece and nephew Coco Krispie (Jamie Dellorco) and Rhyce Krispie (Tommy Iafrate), her ex-sister-in-law Sugar Smax (Gina Wesley) and last but not least (and he will certainly tell you!) former child star Razen Bran (Bill Whitehead). They combine their talents to make for an evening of sweet entertainment. But someone is trying to murder the Queen of Murder Mysteries! Audiences help track down the 'cereal' killer in time to remind us that there is truly 'no business like show business'.
Tickets, which include dinner and the show, cost $35.00.
To reserve your seat, call Angela at (401) 309-1882!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
This week's schedule! June 18th-24th
1:00pm - Meeting with Savana
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal (w/ Snow and Dwarves)
7:00pm -9:00pm - Cinderella rehearsal (Cindy run-through)
2:00pm - Meeting with Christine, re: summer tech
4:00-7:00pm - Alice rehearsal (Alice & Sister 4-5, full cast except Dormouse 5-7)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella rehearsal (w/ Cindy and all 3 Steps)
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal (w/ Snow White and Queen)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal (w/ King, Minister, and Prince)
Happy First Day of Summer!
12:00pm - Cindy, Too! rehearsal with Lisa A.
4:00-7:00pm - Alice rehearsal (Alice & Cheshire Cat 4-5; Alice, Mad Hatter, March Hare, and Dormouse 5-7)
6:00 - Cindy 2 photo w/ 'Gremily'
7:00-9:00pm - Frog Prince rehearsal (full cast except Bobby and Tommy)
3:30pm - Tommy and Kim dance rehearsal
6:00-8:00pm - Killer Cabaret rehearsal (no Jamie)
11:00am - Dance rehearsal w/ Ginny
3:00-5:00pm - Killer Cabaret rehearsal
6:00-8:00pm - Killer Cabaret rehearsal
1:00pm - Meeting with Savana
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal (w/ Snow and Dwarves)
7:00pm -9:00pm - Cinderella rehearsal (Cindy run-through)
2:00pm - Meeting with Christine, re: summer tech
4:00-7:00pm - Alice rehearsal (Alice & Sister 4-5, full cast except Dormouse 5-7)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella rehearsal (w/ Cindy and all 3 Steps)
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal (w/ Snow White and Queen)
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal (w/ King, Minister, and Prince)
Happy First Day of Summer!
12:00pm - Cindy, Too! rehearsal with Lisa A.
4:00-7:00pm - Alice rehearsal (Alice & Cheshire Cat 4-5; Alice, Mad Hatter, March Hare, and Dormouse 5-7)
6:00 - Cindy 2 photo w/ 'Gremily'
7:00-9:00pm - Frog Prince rehearsal (full cast except Bobby and Tommy)
3:30pm - Tommy and Kim dance rehearsal
6:00-8:00pm - Killer Cabaret rehearsal (no Jamie)
11:00am - Dance rehearsal w/ Ginny
3:00-5:00pm - Killer Cabaret rehearsal
6:00-8:00pm - Killer Cabaret rehearsal
Kaleidoscope is now on MYSPACE

Like the blogs, we hope that myspace will be another way for all Kaleidoscopians to keep in touch with each other. It's also a very efficient way to share photos. Right now, all the photos we have on record since the summer of 2002 are up on the page. Feel free to leave us comments, picture comments, and messages - and if you have any photos that we don't, send them on over to us and we'll put them up!
Here's one photo we do have, it's of Graham just a couple of years ago - then a mouse, now the Prince in Cinderella! Time sure goes by fast! The photo also features: Anne Harsch as Cinderella, Chris Schultz as the King, and Justin Robinson as the Prince. (Summer 2002).
What Will Happen In Harry Potter 7?

Tommy and Nicki were lucky enough to meet two of the authors of this very interesting book!
Ben Schoen and Emerson Spartz signed autographs and led a discussion group yesterday at the Cranston Borders. For more information about the book or the book's sponsor website, check out!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A friendly reminder...
I still need Social Security Numbers from the following people:
Please give them to me at your earliest convenience!
Note: you cannot be paid until we have your Social Security Number
- Jordan Greeley*
- Christa Khanjari
- Daniel Larson
- Mia Speciale
- Nikki Speciale
- Katherine Speltz
- Aliya Thaler
- Sari Thaler
Please give them to me at your earliest convenience!
Note: you cannot be paid until we have your Social Security Number
A note to the vertically challenged (and their taller counterparts...)

(The rest of this message is just for the cast of SNOW WHITE.)
Hello, hello, hello!
Thank you everyone, for a great first rehearsal last night! At first, it was very daunting that out of a cast of 11 people, 9 are brand new to the show, and the other 2 are in different roles than last time -- that leaves a lot of work to do in only 8 rehearsals! But after getting together last night, I am confident that this cast will be absolutely wonderful.
Below is our specific rehearsal breakdown for the rest of the rehearsal process. After we work a scene, please be off-book (lines, lyrics, blocking, and choreography) for the next rehearsal, even if it is not on that day's agenda. Being off-book at the next rehearsal will allow us to begin working in-character instead of off-the-page.
The rehearsal schedule is:
Monday 6/11, 5-7
Agenda: Meet-and-Greet, Teach sign, Dwarves' entrance dance
Called: Dwarves and Snow (5-7); Huntsman, Prince and Queen (5-5:30)
Monday 6/18, 5-7
Agenda: Review sign and entrance dance, teach Laugh and all Dwarf/Snow scenes
Called: Dwarves and Snow
Wednesday 6/20, 5-7
Agenda: Block all Snow/Queen scenes (or as much as possible!)
Called: Snow, Queen
Monday 6/25, 5-7
Please come prepared to take pictures!
(Tentative schedule - this day's breakdown may change)
Agenda: Block Dwarf/Queen scene, Dwarf/Prince scene, and any remaining Dwarf stuff. Run through all of Dwarves' scenes, assign dwarf costumes.
Called: Dwarves, Snow, Queen, and Prince
Wednesday 6/27, 5-7
Agenda: Block Snow/Prince stuff (5-6), solo Snow stuff (6-6:30), and Snow/Huntsman stuff (6:30-7)
Called: Snow (5-7), Prince (5-6), and Huntsman (6:30-7)
Monday 7/2, 5-7
Agenda: Stumble-through of the show (filling in any gaps), assign Dwarves their costumes
Called: All
Friday 7/6, 5-7
Agenda: Run-through the show (in costume)
Called: All (Alyce and Nikki unavailable)
Monday 7/9, 7-9
Agenda: Dress Rehearsal!
Called: All
And, for your first homework assignment...
Dwarves: on Monday 6/18, come in prepared to tell us a story about a time that YOU felt the way your DWARF is characterized.
DOC, tell us about a time that you felt really, really SMART.
GRUMPY, tell us about a time that you felt GRUMPY.
BASHFUL, tell us about a time that you were extremely SHY or SELF-CONSCIOUS.
SNEEZY, tell us about a time that you either couldn't stop SNEEZING, or were extremely SICK.
HAPPY, tell us about a time that you felt simply OVERJOYED WITH HAPPINESS!
SLEEPY, tell us about a time that you were SO TIRED, but just couldn't go to bed for some reason.
And DOPEY, tell us about a time that you felt really DUMB.
Snow White, Queen, Huntsman, and Prince: for Monday 6/25, come up with 10-15 words that you would use to describe your character. Be prepared to explain why you view your character as such... and feel free to look for evidence in the script (things the character says/does, or things that other characters say about them, etc.). Also, determine what your character's Life Goal is - what is his/her ultimate objective? How would he/she see him/herself in 5 years? 10 years? 25 years? Again, evidence from the script is a plus!
Again, great job last night everybody. I hope that you're all as excited about mounting this show as I am! As always, if you have any questions or would like to talk to me about anything, please feel free to call or e-mail :)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
This week's schedule! June 11th-17th, 2007
10:00am - KT to see Lon's show at Fallon School
1:30pm - Meeting with Marcia Zammarelli
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal; full cast
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella rehearsal; full cast (run-through of Cindy)
3:30-5:30pm - Little Red Dress rehearsal; full cast for 6/15 performance
11:00am - Meeting at West Kingston Elementary School (re: I'm Special... feedback)
5:30-7:00pm - Dial M rehearsal with Chris
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal, music and costume fittings; Lisa H., Jamie, Emily, Graham, Jordan
9:15pm - costume fitting w/ Meredyth
Happy Flag Day!
5:00-7:00pm - Alice in Wonderland rehearsal; full cast (except Connie)
7:00-9:00pm - Frog Prince rehearsal; full cast
1:30pm - Little Red Ridinghood performance at Lonsdale School, Lincoln, RI. Calltime 12:30pm at Lonsdale or 11:45am at Kscope.
8:00am-2:00pm - Flea Market at Homestead Gardens. Set-up at 6:30am.
10:00am - Dance rehearsal, Emily and Graham (no Ginny)
6:00pm - Dial M for Matrimony performance at Alpine Country Club. Calltime 5:00pm at ACC or 4:15pm at Kscope.
Happy Father's Day!
10:00am - KT to see Lon's show at Fallon School
1:30pm - Meeting with Marcia Zammarelli
5:00-7:00pm - Snow White rehearsal; full cast
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella rehearsal; full cast (run-through of Cindy)
3:30-5:30pm - Little Red Dress rehearsal; full cast for 6/15 performance
11:00am - Meeting at West Kingston Elementary School (re: I'm Special... feedback)
5:30-7:00pm - Dial M rehearsal with Chris
7:00-9:00pm - Cinderella, Too! rehearsal, music and costume fittings; Lisa H., Jamie, Emily, Graham, Jordan
9:15pm - costume fitting w/ Meredyth
Happy Flag Day!
5:00-7:00pm - Alice in Wonderland rehearsal; full cast (except Connie)
7:00-9:00pm - Frog Prince rehearsal; full cast
1:30pm - Little Red Ridinghood performance at Lonsdale School, Lincoln, RI. Calltime 12:30pm at Lonsdale or 11:45am at Kscope.
8:00am-2:00pm - Flea Market at Homestead Gardens. Set-up at 6:30am.
10:00am - Dance rehearsal, Emily and Graham (no Ginny)
6:00pm - Dial M for Matrimony performance at Alpine Country Club. Calltime 5:00pm at ACC or 4:15pm at Kscope.
Happy Father's Day!
Attention creatures of Wonderland...

Hi everybody!
Our first rehearsal for ALICE is just one week away - hooray! I wanted a chance to talk about a few things before we all get together.
Be prepared for a rehearsal process that's a little bit different than what you might be used to. I will be giving you homework assignments (little simple things... for example, researching where the phrase "mad as a hatter" comes from... nothing gargantuan and involved like a research paper on the life of Lewis Caroll!) for you to present to the rest of us at the next rehearsal. I will be looking for input from you to help to create this show together! We might play games to help reach beyond our boundaries, and further develop our characters. We will be exploring a lot of ways to think "outside the box" in order to help create a world in which the "box" itself doesn't even exist.
Alice is a little girl who has been told her entire life what is "proper". She has been denied the freedom and bliss of childhood for so long, that her subconscious eventually embarks upon a revolution, and throws her into a world where literally anything can happen. Although this revolution takes place in the form of a dream, Alice doesn't realize this - to her, it is reality. We want the audience to join her on this journey to a sillier, wackier, zanier reality, and to experience the cornucopia of emotions that arrive with it. It will be scary at times, and thrilling at times, and hopefully will be not only funny, but also very fun! I hope that you are all as excited as I am to discover the places that the mind can take us when unfettered by restrictions, and free to fall into its own Wonderland!
At our first rehearsal, I plan on jumping right into blocking the opening number of the show. We don't have a lot of time to get the show mounted, since I only have our leading lady for the first three rehearsals! After we work a scene, please be off-book (this means lines, lyrics, blocking, and choreography!) for the next rehearsal, even if we are not planning on running it. (For example, if we have extra time on 6/26 we might run the Tea Party scene.) Being off-book at the next rehearsal will allow us to begin working in-character instead of off-the-page.
A tentative rehearsal schedule is as follows:
Thursday, June 14, 5-7
Meet/greet, discussion about the show/charaters, blocking of "Alice"
Unavailable: Connie
Called: All but Connie
Tuesday, June 19, 4-7
Block all Sister scenes (4-5), continue "Alice" and begin Croquet scene (5-7)
Called: Jessica (4-5), Ariana (4-7), and everyone else except Mia (5-7)
Thursday, June 21, 4-7
Block all Cheshire Cat scenes (4-5), block Tea Party and Caterpillar scenes (5-7)
Unavailable: Connie
Called: Katherine (4-5), Ariana (4-7), Mark (5-7), Graham (5-7), Mia (5-7)
Tuesday, June 26, 5-7
Block end of "Croquet" through end of show
Unavailable: Ariana, Mark
Called: All except Ariana and Mark
Thursday, June 28, 5-7
Block Cards' scene, run what we've blocked thus far
Unavailable: Ariana, Connie
Called: All except Ariana and Connie
Thursday, July 5, 5-7
Block Duchess/Cook scene, work Croquet scene
Unavailable: Katherine, Mia
Called: Ariana, Connie, Jessica, Graham, Cards
Tuesday, July 10, 5-7
Plug-ins, stumble-through of show
Unavailable: Katherine, Jessica
Called: All except Katherine and Jessica
Thursday, July 12, 5-7
Run-through of show w/ costumes
Called: All
Monday, July 16, 7-9 (note: this is the only rehearsal that is 7-9)
Dress Rehearsal - run-through of show w/ costumes
Called: All
Performances Tuesday, July 17 and Wednesday, July 18.
Please respond to this post with the following info:
1) Your name and character
2) Whether or not you will need a script at the first rehearsal
3) Whether or not you will need a recording of the music (if so, you will need to drop off a tape at some point)
4) Something you find both exciting and scary
5) Any additional rehearsal conflicts you might have that I do not already know about
(Note: to reply to this post, click below on "comments", type your reply in the text box, retype the word verification, select either "other" or "anonymous" as your identity, and click "publish your comment")
Still awaiting responses from:
Monday, June 04, 2007
Release Stan Shunpike!
Friday, June 01, 2007
This week's schedule! June 4th-10th, 2007
6:30pm - Doc/Grumpy Callback with Donnie-Ray Brearton and Rebekah Philip
6:30pm - Dance rehearsal with Emily and Graham (no Ginny)
7:00-9:00pm - CINDY/C2 rehearsal (no Chris, Newell)
10:00am - Meeting with National Amusements
1:00pm - THREE PIGS rehearsal with Jillian R-K
2:00pm - Meeting with Dan DeLange re: CINDY 2 music
3:30-5:30pm - LITTLE RED rehearsal
7:00-9:00pm - DIAL M rehearsal (No Ryan)
Tommy to GOH to see Singin' In The Rain
7:00-9:00pm - CINDY/C2 rehearsal (just Graham, Lisa H., Jamie)
3:00-5:00pm - LITTLE REH Dress rehearsal
7:00-9:00pm - DIAL M rehearsal
1:00pm - LITTLE RED performance at St. Dominic, Southington, CT. Calltime 10:00am at Kscope.
Nicki/Chris to see "Love & Law" at Beacon
6:00pm - Mackenzie's Birthday Party w/ Cinderella & Prince Charming. Calltime 4:30pm.
7:00pm-9:00pm - DIAL M Dress rehearsal (6/9 cast only)
11:00am - Dance rehearsal with Emily and Graham (w/ Ginny)
6:00pm - DIAL M performance at Homestead Gardens. Calltime 4:00pm.
SUNDAY, 6/10
1:30pm - THREE PIGS performance at Homestead Gardens. Calltime 11:30am at THG or 10:30am at Kscope.
Tony Awards!
6:30pm - Doc/Grumpy Callback with Donnie-Ray Brearton and Rebekah Philip
6:30pm - Dance rehearsal with Emily and Graham (no Ginny)
7:00-9:00pm - CINDY/C2 rehearsal (no Chris, Newell)
10:00am - Meeting with National Amusements
1:00pm - THREE PIGS rehearsal with Jillian R-K
2:00pm - Meeting with Dan DeLange re: CINDY 2 music
3:30-5:30pm - LITTLE RED rehearsal
7:00-9:00pm - DIAL M rehearsal (No Ryan)
Tommy to GOH to see Singin' In The Rain
7:00-9:00pm - CINDY/C2 rehearsal (just Graham, Lisa H., Jamie)
3:00-5:00pm - LITTLE REH Dress rehearsal
7:00-9:00pm - DIAL M rehearsal
1:00pm - LITTLE RED performance at St. Dominic, Southington, CT. Calltime 10:00am at Kscope.
Nicki/Chris to see "Love & Law" at Beacon
6:00pm - Mackenzie's Birthday Party w/ Cinderella & Prince Charming. Calltime 4:30pm.
7:00pm-9:00pm - DIAL M Dress rehearsal (6/9 cast only)
11:00am - Dance rehearsal with Emily and Graham (w/ Ginny)
6:00pm - DIAL M performance at Homestead Gardens. Calltime 4:00pm.
SUNDAY, 6/10
1:30pm - THREE PIGS performance at Homestead Gardens. Calltime 11:30am at THG or 10:30am at Kscope.
Tony Awards!
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