Where: Kscope rehearsal space + office
When: Saturday, August 23rd from 1:00-7:00pm
Admission: Please bring a food or drink item for everyone to share!
Come celebrate the end of the summer with all your favorite Kaleidoscope pals! We will be watching two movies (TBA, determined by popular vote) and playing numerous board games throughout the afternoon. The movies will be projected onto the rehearsal room wall; we suggest bringing pillows, sleeping bags, or something else comfortable to sit on! Please also bring a snack or drink item for everyone to share at the event.
* Sweeney Todd (stage version)
* 42nd Street
* Music Man
* Enchanted
* Moulin Rouge
* The Last Unicorn
* Roger & Hammerstein's Cinderella
* Newsies
* Dream Girls
* Rumpelstiltskin
* Man of LaMancha
- any suggestions???
If you plan to attend, please RSVP by posting a comment on the blog! You should also list the food/drink item you plan to bring and your top movie choice! (This way we won't end up with 87 plates of brownies!) The winning movies will be announced next week! See you all there! :)
Where: Kscope rehearsal space
When: Tuesday, August 26th from 6:00-9:00pm
Admission: A pair of tap shoes!
We hope you can join us!
~The Kaleido-Staff
I'll be there! I'll bring fruit cup and I vote for NEWSIES!!!
I'll be there with chips and I vote for the music man and Chicago.
I'll be there!!! I'll bring chips and salsa and some kind of drink. My vote is for Enchanted!
Hey I am Adam Ramsey and I will bring food. Well Ill be more specific ill bring .......... um ...... CHIPS.... LAYS CHIPS. ( If there are anyspecific flavors i should bring please inform me) And seeing as the online revew seemed quite interesting and ive seen most of the other movies my vote goes to .... the ....... Newsies. ANd yes i am planing on being there. HEY NICKI AND JAMIE AND DAVID AND SUCH. BII SEE YOU THERE
Hey I was going to post a comment on the guest webpage about the show and stuff but it wouldnt let me so here it is instead
Hello I am Adam R.
I had the wonderful pleasure of workng with Kaleidoscope this summer and I have to say that it was one of the BEST SUMMERS IN MY life. Really. Everyone is amazing and even though off stage the actors and the shows where awesome. The songs aswell. Backstage i couldnt refrain my self from laughing at the halariouse jokes and cleverness of the characters. I owe my thanks and appreciation to everyone at Kaleidoscope including the cast of cinderella and cinderella 2 and thanks. It was AWESOME. ENjoy your summer. Good JOb everybody.
aw adam we love you. i will be there (its cassi)
idk what im bringing yet. but i vote moulin rouge. my favorite movie ever obvi. haha.
This is JRK and I vote for Newsies and Enchanted! I'm not sure what I'm bringing yet... probably something healthy. :)
Hi guys, look forward to seeing you on saturday, Aug 23rd. My vote is for Sweeny todd and I will be bringing SHRIMP COCKTAIL! see you then, Wyatt
I voted for enchanted and newsies (which I haven't seen). It should be fun and I am looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. It was a wonderful summer working with such talented and great people. I hope you are all around for a long time. See you Saturday.
HEllo this is adam checking in for zach nd he is planning on being there. He will bring ham and cheese calzone. And he votes for enchanted. Seeing as bob macaux is also bringing chips and i didnt realize it at the time i submitted my blog i would like to change my response and i will show up with pizza. cant wait, see you there =)
I'll be there! I vote for Enchanted and I'll bring something drink-y.
I can't make it to the party, but since some of you decided to pour your hearts out on here, I figured I'd use this opportunity to say how much I enjoyed my experience this summer. I know that my life will forever be richer now since I've met each and every one of you.
...if I were going, I'd be voting for Enchanted. Which looks like the winner.
and enchanted.
and cookiess=]
Hi. I'm planning on coming. I'll bring some cookies. See you tomorrow!
I will be there! I'll bring brownies, because no one has said brownies yet, and you can't have a party without brownies. I'm too late to vote for anything, although I'm quite happy with enchanted/newsies.
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