Monday, October 15, 2007

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Yesterday, we performed Cinderella for Westborough Special Education/Kids First at Westborough High School in Massachusetts. It was our very first time at the venue, and we were all faced with a number of potential problems... we had our independent sound system (a necessary but involved hassle); it was only the second show using the new sound board; actor conflicts allowed for only 1 rehearsal with the full cast; we were extremely understaffed (technically) for the show; there was very little fly space for backdrops to be hung (meaning much more involved scene shifts); the list goes on. The number of looming trainwrecks seemed insurmountable!

We were unable to get a Minister or a King, so David and I had to fill in as performers, and Rob wasn't available, so Nicki had to run sound. Christine (a contender for Kscope Rookie of the Year) saved our butts, stage managing with only 1½ rehearsals of prep time. Rachel Philip (mouse-mom extraordinaire) and Christine were ALL WE HAD backstage - and there were a plethora of jobs to be done! In addition to the usual technical requirements (light op. and rigger for backdrop/main rag), we needed help for the gazillion quick changes and scene shifts that happen during the show!

Supercast came to the rescue... Graham, Cassi(e), Kim, David, Lisa, Meredyth, and Jillian, thank you all SO MUCH! The show could not have gone on if we had a less capable or less helpful group yesterday. Other Kaleidoscopians who are reading this, I wish that you all could have seen everybody backstage... two people were rushing to fix the backdrop while three others pushed set pieces to their respective places, and another two were backstage whipping gowns on and off Cinderella with such speed and precision that even I wouldn't have known it was most people's first time doing the show! Not only did everybody give spectacular performances, but things moved so smoothly that nobody could have known how much extra everybody was chipping in.

In the end, the day was a phenomenal success, and a LOT of fun!

I want the Kaleidoscopian Diary to be filled with days like yesterday, and it's up to all of us to help make it so. There are so many opportunities for us to learn things from touring with Kaleidoscope... so many things we can discover about technical theatre (sound, rail, lighting, and costume issues that invariably crop up and are dealt with accordingly) and about performing (not only the singing, dancing, acting, directing, and/or choreographing, but about stage humor and landing jokes, about creating interesting stage pictures, and about developing characters with greater depth and integrity). The possibilities are endless - and it's our choice how much we pursue them!

So embrace it, everybody! Come to rehearsals ready to work and ready to absorb! Go to shows excited to help out and eager to mount a professional production in a new and exciting space! Be ready to make magic, wherever we go!

Thank you again, Cinderella cast and crew - you're not only responsible for another one of Kaleidoscope's phenomenally successful performances, but you've also reminded me just how wonderful working here can be.


Anonymous said...

It was so nice of you to post this. honestly I look at Kaleidoscope as my family and am more than happy to help out whenever it is possible. although it was a LONG day I had such a great time and would do it with those people again.
And i had a BLAST being uglified and playing putricia lol.

thanks for the opportunites!!!


Anonymous said...

Awwww, you're so sweet!