Congratulations Siara! She is the winner of this month's online contest! The contest, which was announced in our April Newsletter, challenged our fans and members to find a hidden trivia question (on our blogs) and then locate the answer (on our website).
The question: "What was Kaleidoscope Theatre's first fairytale musical?"
The Answer: Little Red Ridinghood
Little Red, Mother Goose, and Pinocchio made up Kaleidoscope's first season of fairytale musicals in the summer of 1982. For more on Kaleidoscope's history, check out our website at http://www.kaleidoscopetheatre.com/History.htm
The photo of Siara as 'Ralph Piggy' is from the 2005 Summer production of "The Three Pigs". This year, Siara will be playing 'Ziggy Piggy'.
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